Dirty Pirates: 2013 Andy's League Fall Champions
Jim's Fruit Stand: 2013 Union College Softball Coed Tourney Champions
Jim's Fruit Stand: 2013 1st Annual RCSO D.A.R.E. Coed Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2013 American Legion Sunday Coed B Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2013 Phil Sweeney Memorial Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Miracle League Winter Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Lynn's Fall League Sunday Comp Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Lynn's League Sunday Rec Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Maggie's Mark Tourney Champions
Dirty Buc Ho's: 2008 Andy's League Summer Champions
Dirty Pirate Hookers: 2007 Andy's League Fall Champions




DPH Game 4/DBH Game 2 - Split Squads

NOTE: For the sake of fairness, I will note that the league commissioner responded to my request to resolve the 5/18, Sunday, 4P/5P DPH/DBH conflict on 5/18, Sunday @ 7:34P. His response failed to address the conflict.

5/18 DPH/DBH Sunday games have been CANCELED.

Thanks to Ben Ho, Mark E, Mark M, Tracy Z, Jacqui G, Rebecca, and Jeremy B for their help with the split squads. We were all set to go...

The League Commissioner has NOT contacted me regarding the scheduled conflict. Therefore, DPH and DBH will use the following split squads:

DPH 4:00P:
DBH 5:00P:
Legion Field
Field of Dreams

Christina C
Kim F
Erika S
Lauren C
Lisa K
Tracy Z
Jacqui G

Ben Ho
Brett B
Deryl B
Mark E
Jeremy B

Mark M
John C

Mike F
Matt T

Steve F
Tony D
Joey F

Steve F and Mike F, because they play on both teams, may show up to the 4P game for a start and hopefully at least one PA; this is time and game state dependent, however. When the 4P game is finished, those who play on both teams may travel to FoD to appear in the 5P game. Again, this is time and game state dependent.

NOTE: Mark M and Mark E will manage the game in my absence. Thanks in advance! I'll send you ump fees/scorebook/lineup.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but the Hookers and Ho's will have to make the best of unfortunate scheduling on the part of the league.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Game times:
Dirty Pirate Hookers: 4:00PM @ Legion Field
Dirty Buc Ho's: 5:00PM @ Field of Dreams

Blog Notes

Many thanks to Stuart Langridge for his "sorttable" javascript code. Stuart believes in free software and develops sorttable and other neat tools to improve web page appearance and functionality. Sorttable allows client side sorting of html tables used on this blog. For more on sorttable and other Langridge software, please visit: kryogenix.org
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