Dirty Pirates: 2013 Andy's League Fall Champions
Jim's Fruit Stand: 2013 Union College Softball Coed Tourney Champions
Jim's Fruit Stand: 2013 1st Annual RCSO D.A.R.E. Coed Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2013 American Legion Sunday Coed B Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2013 Phil Sweeney Memorial Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Miracle League Winter Tourney Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Lynn's Fall League Sunday Comp Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Lynn's League Sunday Rec Champions
Dirty Pirates: 2012 Maggie's Mark Tourney Champions
Dirty Buc Ho's: 2008 Andy's League Summer Champions
Dirty Pirate Hookers: 2007 Andy's League Fall Champions




Rumor Central: A Spring team and big changes for DPH, Fall fallout

"The DPH is fielding a team this spring" according to GM John C. He cited an effective recruitment drive by Mike F and Steve F--"Mike and Steve are the reason why the DPH is able to field a coed team (this Spring)." He also acknowledged the return of many DPH veterans. "You can't have a team without loyal, core players..." John C confirmed other major developments taking place within the organization but refused to offer specifics. Some people connected with the team speculate major changes include a reorganization of management; other sources suggest a revamping of the roster is imminent. One insider believes much of the perceived roster turmoil indicates the DPH is preparing to launch a new team.

John C was asked to provide more information about his resignation from the Men's Softball Franchise. He was less than forthcoming, but did not deny fallout from the '08 Fall season as a reason; the DPH did not field a team last fall. Further, John C did not deny on field incidents and behavior issues influenced his decision. Also, despite recent charges implicating him, John C vehemently denied his name is one of the remaining 104 who tested positive for steroids. "Impossible..." insisted John C, "Have you ever seen me play?"

The hot stove is red hot, DPPI will continue its DPH coverage through the offseason, Spring training, and the '09 season.

Blog Notes

Many thanks to Stuart Langridge for his "sorttable" javascript code. Stuart believes in free software and develops sorttable and other neat tools to improve web page appearance and functionality. Sorttable allows client side sorting of html tables used on this blog. For more on sorttable and other Langridge software, please visit: kryogenix.org
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