Toyota of Clifton Park Pirates: 2013 Maddie's Mark Tourney
me to the plank fo' th' longest o' th' shortest walks. The Cap'n sends
many thanks t' Pirates Dan R, Garry S, Justin R, Pete G, Steve F, Holly A,
Lauren D, Lauren H, Meighan M, an' Sara R fo' stormin' th' seas on this
day o' battle.
While th' Pirates failed to plunder th' loot,
they sailed to th' final round an' fought well. Key injuries to Pirates
Dan R and Justin R--who courageously stuck with their shipmates--depressed
th' sea dogs' bulwarks. A key misplay by th' cap'n hisself also he'ped
sunk th' ship.
Despite failin' t' grab th' loot, th' Pirates had a great day an' anxiously await th' next battle.
Pirates send their thanks t' Lauren Lapinski fo' doin' a splendid job
a' plannin' this great day. In two short years, she has produced th'
best run coed tourney in th' area.
Th' Pirates also send their thanks t' Toyota of Clifton Park fo' graciously sponsorin' th' expedition.
After th' day o' battle, th' weary pirates sailed to th' fortress o' Pirates Pete G an' Lauren H for grog an' tall tales.
For more information regarding this worthwhile cause, please visit: Maddies Mark Foundation
For complete Tourney STATs: 2013 Maddie's Mark STATs